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XXX follows an extreme sportsman recruited into covert service against terrorist groups. It follows a familiar plotline (an agent infiltrating an organization while reporting back to an unsympathetic supervisor and falling for one of the bad guy’s partners in crime), yet features plenty of gadgets and extreme stunts – although its pop appeal doesn’t compare with that of its predecessor film and eventually its story becomes predictable and tiresome.
XXX features many violent scenes, such as car and motorcycle chases, snowboard chases, gun use (both machine gun and weapon use) and missile launching. There’s also alcohol and drug consumption; one character praises smoking effusively!
Vin Diesel and Asia Argento make for great onscreen partners, but their screenplay quickly becomes too predictable. The villain of the piece is an unassuming Russian with an appetite for vodka, an evil plan and an outsize personality – making for an engaging yet predictable villainous presence that dominates.
Parents need to be aware that XXX is a movie featuring violent action and drug use, with profanities, scantily-clad women, and an offensive nu-Metal soundtrack.
If you’re searching for a movie to enjoy with the family, Jackass: The Movie might just be what you need! Or for those interested in action flicks, check out The Fast and Furious instead. XXX provides more theatre of the absurd than action but remains entertaining nonetheless!
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