There’s More to Sex Than What You See in Like Sex Porn Videos

Sex is a thrilling experience enjoyed by both men and women, but there is much more to sex than meets the eye in porn videos.

Someone exposed to frequent porn videos can become desensitised to sexual stimuli in real life, making it harder for them to engage in intimate activity – this may lead to issues like erectile dysfunction.

Real sex isn’t all about the visuals

Visuals in sex porn videos often steal the show. But they aren’t the only aspect to keep an eye out for when choosing an engaging erotic video; sweat, shudders and vinegar stroke expressions can all play an integral part. An ideal erotic video would show all these components, giving an accurate depiction of real sex without scripts – this way viewers could experience what real sexual encounters look and feel like for themselves! For those suffering from sexual dysfunction due to exposure to porn, good news: your brain can rewire itself so you can fully experience all its thrills!

Real sex isn’t all about climaxing

Orgasms have long been used as an indicator of sexual success in both film and media. Representations of sexual pleasure often feature penetrative sex which leads to an unrealistically fast mutual climax that ends the scene quickly.

Real sex, on the other hand, should focus on connection and pleasure – not climaxing, nor does it need to involve performing for another in order to reach orgasm. Placing too much pressure on yourself and your partner to reach this goal may prove overwhelming and leave no time or space to focus on what makes sexual pleasure truly satisfying: intimacy, fun and passion.

At times, high performance can actually make sex more unpleasant for all involved. When your brain is preoccupied with reaching that climax rather than enjoying the moment, relaxation becomes difficult to achieve and anxiety increases significantly. Furthermore, this makes orgasming less likely since your concentration will be directed more on reaching that climax rather than experiencing what comes afterward.

Real sex isn’t all about foreplay

Many heteronormative people, both men and women, assume foreplay is something from the past; they view it as something to get through to get to more exciting content.

However, foreplay is actually essential to any sexual relationship. It helps both partners prepare for sexual encounters, and may even help a man gain an erection!

Foreplay is essential because it enables women to lubricate their vagina – an integral component of intercourse and orgasm. Kissing, cuddling and other foreplay activities often increase lubrication and thus the capacity for orgasm generation in women.

Studies have proven the value of foreplay as an inducement to climaxing, with one woman’s orgasm increasing by 40% after spending between 1-10 minutes engaging in foreplay with her partner.

This is because foreplay increases arousal in the brain, which triggers sexual desire – making foreplay an effective means of initiating sexual encounters that last throughout an evening.

Foreplay can also serve as a form of self-care, providing an outlet to express feelings, connect with your partner, and release any tension that’s holding back from reaching maximum pleasure levels.

Foreplay can involve using touch, smell, sound and sex toys/words to stimulate both mind and body in your partner. Your approach should always depend on their desires rather than yours if foreplay is truly successful.

These tips can help make foreplay more rewarding, whether it’s just for quick warmup or long-lasting sexual energy. Although what works for one may not necessarily work for another; always be open to trying new things and exploring various foreplay styles until finding one that resonates. Focus on what brings joy, making this experience as memorable and fun as possible!

Real sex isn’t all about ejaculation

Ejaculation might come as a shock, yet it needn’t be your initial sexual experience. While ejaculating may be common and rewarding, it doesn’t need to be seen as the ultimate sexual experience. One effective approach for doing this is incorporating more regular sex activities into life – for some partners a night of unbridled pleasure is the perfect way to enjoy any extra free time they may have been granted since birth!



