Like Movies Porn Video

like movies porn video

Like Movies Porn Video is a documentary on the history of pornography. Channel Preston hosts this film which examines classics such as Deep Throat as well as more recent parody films that look back to this genre. Unfortunately, no outside critics were brought in for analysis so this could have been much better!

It’s real

Porn movie actors may be real people, but much of what they do on screen is staged or scripted to appear authentic and their expression of enjoyment and interest are merely staged for effect. Positions chosen for their visual impact rather than participant pleasure are selected. This documentary includes interviews with porn stars and home video producers but fails to include social critics or outside experts of pornography as subjects for discussion.

It’s illegal

Although making and sharing nude images and videos using smartphones is legal, sharing them without consent without permission can be illegal in certain places. This practice is known as revenge porn, and Virginia recently passed a law making it a misdemeanor crime to do so. This new law covers Photoshopped or deepfake photos, which have become more prevalent with the rise of technology that manipulates reality; computer-generated pornography; as well as computer generated pornography which is increasingly prevalent online; implementation is expected by summer 2020.

As opposed to the RIAA’s lawsuits targeting individual downloaders of pornographic material, this suit against Malibu Media, Third Degree Films, Raw Films, and Patrick Collins Inc is meant to force pirates into settlement agreements out-of-court and secure some form of compensation from pirates.



