Pussy Licking is one of the key oral sex techniques you should master. Give her a good lick all around her vulva while paying close attention to how she reacts.
As she moans and grunts in excitement, stimulate her G-spot (the area surrounding her urethral opening and clitoral hood). This will make her ready for you to come suck her hard big cock!
Tongue Stroke
One of the best ways to treat pussy lick is with tongue strokes. Start by lightly touching your partner’s tongue to the corners of their mouth using light, soft circular strokes. Begin slowly; once comfortable touching their tongue increase the number of touches per side. Perform this massage three times each day.
Keep this in mind if someone you know appears to be suffering from a possible stroke: the first thing to do should be asking them to stick out their tongue. If their tongue crooks or appears off center when sticking out, this could be a telltale sign of stroke.
Strokes can occur due to either inadequate (blockage of) blood flow to that part of the brain, or bleeding/rupture of cells. The hypoglossal nerve controls intrinsic muscle movement for tongue. A stroke causes this nerve to become paralysed, leading to tongue deviance or deviation to one side; my clinical experience shows this sign more frequently with tongue retraction into oral cavity than protrusion as its muscles flex against teeth.
G-Spot Stimulation
Stimulating the G-spot, located deep within their vagina wall, is an amazing feeling of pleasure for many women. Some describe its sensation as being similar to that of grapes or wet raspberry; soft to touch yet slightly ribbed/textured with gutters on either side, it takes more pressure for it to feel good, possibly leading to discomfort more readily than its deeper cousin clitoral ridge.
Before trying to stimulate her G-spot, each woman needs to assess what sensations are desired from stimulation. Some will prefer firm stimulation that makes them squirm and orgasm while other women might find licking uncomfortable or prefer soft or deep stimulation instead. In order to increase intensity of stimulation sessions ideally penetration and/or clitoral ridge stimulation should also be used together for maximum effect.
While engaging in oral sex, try using both fingers to rub or stroke her G-spot while sucking her pussy. This provides double the stimulation, likely driving her wild. For an added bit of stimulation try using your penis as you rub or stroke the G-spot – this may make for even greater pleasure for her!
As with any sexual stimulation, foreplay is key before initiating G-spot stimulation. Foreplay will increase blood flow and arousal while giving you an idea of what type of sensations she likes best.
Once you’ve identified your spot, lightly massage it using circular or figure eight motions. Experiment with different caresses by rubbing with thumb and finger or sliding the penis over it – some girls find this can trigger involuntary squirting similar to peeing (versus voluntary action required for clitoral orgasm).
Keep in mind that stimulating the G-spot may not be pleasurable for all, and those who find it pleasurable may require practice before finding their perfect session. Listen carefully for her feedback – if she makes an 'O’ shape with her lips or starts screaming with pleasure then you are probably on the right path!
Clitoris Stimulation
The Clitoris is often known as the seat of female pleasure; this small organ located at the top of a female’s external female genitalia contains over 8,000 nerve endings that play an essential part in sexual arousal and orgasm.
The clitoral hood, or small flap of skin where inner and outer lips meet, is one of the most delicate areas of clitoris and requires gentle stimulation to ensure its health and happiness. Licking, gently stroking, light tapping or circular motions all feel wonderful on this small area – you might find it intimidating at first, but there are endless ways to explore such a small spot of skin! Try playing around with pressure, speed, your partner’s mouth/tongue/toys etc as well as temperature play – even temperature play can create pleasant experiences!
Add some spice to your stroke or lick by stimulating her G-spot at the same time, just for fun! The G-spot is the area in front of her clitoral hood that feels similar to touching penis but much more sensitive – stimulating this area can cause you and her both an orgasmic experience when stimulated!
Stimulating both her clitoral hood and G-spot simultaneously will increase the intensity of her orgasm and can help make direct contact easier, but it is best to start slowly with this form of stimulation.
Start by gently separating her outer lips using your thumb and index finger, before running your fingers along the inner lip ridge where they meet – this marks the entrance to her vagina and it makes it easy to feel its soft lining. Additionally, use your fingertips to explore outer vulvae or urethral openings for any orgasmic sensations that might emerge.
Now, use your wet tongue to glide up and down her clitoral hood using mostly its underside as you try out various movements – clockwise and counterclockwise rotations or circular ones, depending on her body language.
Face Stimulation
It’s an undisputed truth that foreplay is key in getting women ready for orgasm and eating pussy. Start off by gently touching and kissing her arms and legs, before moving up towards her clitoral hood (a cute skin jacket covering her clit). When she’s relaxed enough, lick gently from bottom of vulva up towards top; make sure you do this all around her anus (if applicable) too.
As you provide consistent stimulation and the appropriate mix of techniques, neurological arousal will build and reach its peak until she naturally enters orgasm. Listen closely to her body, always being ready to adjust what you’re doing when she responds with a moan or „whoa!’. Soon this skill of calibrating to her needs will become second nature allowing you to become an eating pussy master!