How to Get a Girl Horny on Your Own Terms

No two women have identical sexual preferences; what excites one girl may not excite another at all. Therefore, it’s crucial that you discover how to get women aroused on your terms.

If a girl reaches across her body to pick something up, try brushing your shoulder or arm against her breasts – this tactic has proven itself effective with many women.

1. Make Her Feel Desired

Whenever a girl feels desirable, her desire will increase to explore her sexual potential further and have more sex with you. Such feelings of desire are normal and healthy; if these sexual thoughts start interfering with daily life or creating distressful symptoms such as hypersexuality or compulsive sexual behavior it may be time to seek assistance from a therapist; such symptoms should never be ignored.

There are various things you can do to make her feel wanted, from giving her something tangible to making intense eye contact with her. Such actions can evoke emotions such as confidence, respect, love and deep desire in both parties involved. Eye contact sends the signal that you have her full attention and aren’t afraid to show how you really feel.

Teasing about her sexual drive or fantasies can also make a girl feel wanted, making her more inclined to turn on you by creating a sense of wanting. For instance, telling her you have many orgasms can get her interested – as will telling her they will scream with pleasure when you take down on her!

Make her feel wanted is a very effective strategy that can be utilized in any situation. Try giving an unexpected surprise such as sending her an adorable text message at work or planning out a weekend getaway – this will not only make her horny but will also get her thinking of you more often! This tactic won’t just have an immediate effect; she may think about you more frequently after having experienced it herself!

As a last step to making her feel desirable, you should eliminate any impediments to her sexual desire such as stress, anxiety, feelings of being taken for granted, guilt or shame and drugs which affect sexuality. Check out this article for more on how to remove these barriers.

2. Make Her Feel Sexy

When girls feel sexually aroused, they typically want to explore their sexual desires in some way – from getting pierced to masturbation! To find what turns her on the best is through experimentation – and see which activities and methods respond the best for them.

If you’re at a loss for what to say or do next, try giving some provocative compliments (see our section on X-Rated Compliments). This will steer the conversation in an intimate direction and encourage her to express her sexual desires freely; plus it could serve as an affirmation that she’s an excellent toucher/kisser!

How Can I Make Her Horny? Engaged With Men (CASE). One great way to make a girl feel aroused is by creating sexual tension. Tension acts like adrenaline for her horniness and makes her crave you even more than before! Try tease her about what you want next, or simply whispering some seductive lines in her ear when she’s alone.

Foreplay can also be an effective way to get a girl horny. For example, when touching her in an indirect manner try slowly moving your hand up her leg until the knee. This may increase her sensation and may cause her to arch her back and breathe heavily — an indicator she is experiencing sexual desire.

Not be shy to add toys that will heighten her experience! Lubricant, finger vibrators or any other toy designed with her pleasure in mind will add the perfect finishing touch and take it up another notch in foreplay.

Of course, none of these techniques is guaranteed to work; some girls may have brakes that prevent them from becoming sexualized or simply not be in the mood to flirt. This doesn’t constitute failure, rather an indicator that another girl might be better suited. Don’t take rejection personally: just treat it like asking someone out for an ice cream date: sometimes they say yes and sometimes not!

3. Make Her Feel Wanted

Women adore feeling desired, it’s intoxicating and overwhelming for them. If you can make her feel deeply desired, she will support your efforts when it comes to getting naked or making sexual love with you – this is truly one of the most powerful ways you can turn a woman on!

You can do this in many different ways; some of the most effective approaches include:

An effective strategy to win her over is by showing a lot of affection, such as talking, kissing or simply holding hands for extended periods. Women respond strongly to such displays of interest as it shows you are making a conscious effort to turn her on.

Another effective way to make her feel desired is through genuine and honest compliments. There are various approaches you can take when complimenting her; just be sure that they come across as genuine. One effective strategy would be praising an attractive feature such as eyes, hair, or body.

Make her feel wanted by telling her you want her and are eager to have sex together. This can be accomplished in various ways; the ideal scenario would be in an isolated location so as not to distract her. Finally, tell her when you are with other people that she is on your mind and you are always thinking of her!

All these tactics can help her feel desirable, but there’s one other step you must take if you really want her to feel drawn towards you and not anyone else in the world. That is the last PRO tip I will offer today and is likely the most crucial of them all.

4. Make Her Feel Horny

One of the key ways you can make her feel horny is by creating sexual tension. This occurs when one experiences strong sexual desire without engaging in sexual activities (yet). You can achieve this using words, body language, and imagination – but be wary not to overdo it as too many sexual cues could turn her off rather than make her excited!

If it feels natural for you, try gazing longingly into her eyes for long periods. This is an effective visual cue that tells her you like her, while simultaneously being deeply seductive. Additionally, try kissing her lips or shoulder or touching her in a sensual way – either alone or together!

Light innuendo can also be effective; just be careful not to overdo it. Some girls enjoy innuendo while others might find it creepy or offensive. If you need help using innuendo effectively, begin by saying something like, „You have really nice hands” or, „I like how your thighs rub together”.

Once you have taken care of all the above steps, it’s time to be more specific. At this point, focus on her brakes and accelerators: those things which turn her off (brakes) as well as those which make her more turned on (accelerators). Brakes could include anything from simple words to major life events; therefore it is vitally important that we understand how different individuals get turned on or off; you can learn more by reading Pamela Madsen’s post „How to Make Her Horny.”

Making her feel horny may be hard, but it can also be one of the most satisfying feelings ever! Once she starts feeling aroused, it’s like giving her steroids in bed – you can quickly advance her experience with you more easily than ever before! So what are you waiting for? Go make her aroused!



