How to Make a Sex Video Porn Like

sex video porn like

Just like any creative project, homemade naughty movies don’t always turn out as planned; however, with enough preparation and the proper equipment you can create something hot that’ll turn off your partner.

An action camera is the ideal choice for filming a sex tape as they’re built specifically to handle harsh conditions and can often be much cheaper than conventional cameras.


When investing both time and money to create a sex tape, it should look its best. But you don’t need Hollywood sets in order to produce something visually stunning – all it takes are a few simple details that ensure your film looks just as hot as you feel!

Begin by selecting an ideal location. A bedroom may seem obvious, but feel free to experiment with other spaces throughout your house – be it a stairwell or backyard; all can add excitement when watching your finished product come alive!

Lighting will also play an integral part of the scene. While soft lighting should capture nude details, dimmed light could lead to monotonous scenes. A sex tape should be an enjoyable experience and having appropriate lighting can keep you immersed in the moment and not make you self-conscious.

As part of your final preparations, be sure to gather any props or accessories you plan on using and have the lubricant of your choice at the ready. Bottled water with some tums should suffice in most instances; for more extreme or intensive play situations, natural oils like coconut oil may provide better lubrication solutions.

Make yourself camera ready by wearing an outfit you feel most sexy in and applying all-over body moisturizer for luxuriously soft skin. A touch of makeup may also boost confidence; just be careful not to go overboard; that could end up looking more like drag queen than beautiful!

While filming, make sure you talk and play with your partner. Filming may be unfamiliar and uncomfortable for both of you, so becoming comfortable will take some time and smoochies or playful banter between takes can make everyone more relaxed in the end.

Bear in mind that real porn stars go through considerable discomfort to achieve that perfect shot. Even an ideal studio scene takes hours of hard work, often ending with awkward transitions or failed sexual positions being cut from the final movie altogether. Don’t let that put you off; the effort will pay off handsomely in terms of enjoyment!

Camera Angles

Sex video porn makes use of camera angles to create the illusion of realism, with choreography, modesty garments and props adding another layer. Lighting and camera angles play an integral part in this scene’s realism – Thackeray has worked on complex scenes such as 60-person orgies filmed over several days; basic sequences can even be completed within two hours!

Some sex education tapes, such as Speaking of Sex and Becoming Orgasmic, feature actors acting as news anchors presenting segments on topics such as safe sex, birth control and communication in sex – interspersed with images showing couples engaging in simulated sex positions.

Camera Position

Filming sex tapes requires using the camera as an essential tool. Professional porn stars put forth great effort into finding positions and angles that look great on film; for this task they look at porn videos for inspiration. Beginners may benefit from having some ideas ahead of time about where their camera should go and which angles should be captured.

Your smartphone can help, provided it has a suitable resolution and lighting setup. Most modern phones already boast quality cameras; if you want an upgrade, a DSLR might be better as it offers multiple lenses to customize its look while providing HD footage of great detail.

Night vision capabilities found on many DSLRs provide your sex tape with an eerie sci-fi aesthetic, or allow you to turn the camera sideways for fish-eye effects.

At first, creating a naughty movie can feel awkward. One way to ease into it is to start hooking up with your partner before the recording begins – this way both partners should feel excited and relaxed by the time camera rolls. Another strategy would be sticking with positions you usually enjoy during sex in real life as opposed to trying something unfamiliar on camera which may be riskier.


Pornography has an enormously detrimental impact on the brain. Our minds are extraordinary machines with processing abilities even computers cannot match; yet even with all their power, their intelligence can wear thin. Overexposure to pornography causes it to wear thin; dopamine receptors become desensitized over time and stop producing feelings of pleasure in a similar manner – leading to relationship difficulties, work issues and school issues; making people more prone to sexual temptation and possibly leading to erectile dysfunction as a result of prolonged viewing sessions.

Porn can be addictive; your brain releases dopamine when exposed to something new, making porn so captivating at first. Over time however, as more scenes repeat themselves without release of dopamine from the brain and as you become less and less aroused from each clip they view, dopamine levels diminish gradually until eventually you find them boring and have stopped watching it all together – many users decide they no longer get that high from porn anymore and stop subscribing altogether.

Porn can significantly alter your mood and lead to depression. Additionally, its exposure may result in lack of focus and memory issues, making you irritable or angry and potentially endangering relationships. Luckily, these effects of porn can be reversed if you stop watching it!

Porn can make you more socially awkward, which can be particularly devastating for individuals who used to be the life of the party. Porn also affects your frontal cortex of the brain – responsible for executive functions – making it harder for you to concentrate and remember things.

Porn is often used as a form of control over women, making it no surprise that its use would harm men’s mental health. Porn can exacerbate sexist attitudes and encourage violent tendencies among its viewers while also diminishing confidence in performing intimate acts with women.



