Movies video sex is a sultry site featuring independent adult short films inspired by real-life sexual confessions, part of an emerging wave of ethical adult film production that challenges mass produced mainstream pornography. Movies Video Sex also provides the ideal solution to satisfying your erotica cravings without leaving home!
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While many erotic films quickly get to the sexual action, others take time building it up gradually. Portrait of a Lady on Fire is one such historical tale with intense nude scenes punctuated throughout, while Professor Marston and the Wonder Women is another surprising comedy with some pretty sensual moments.
Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz have proven they can make hilarious films together, yet even they cannot rescue this raunchy comedy that starts off promisingly enough. From its central premise (married couple makes porn tape that ends up on friends’ iPads) to its pacing issues, Sex Tape falls flat compared to what could have been. Although Diaz shines during her scenes of sexuality in Sex Tape.