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Dollface, Hulu’s girl-centric comedy, centers around Jules Wiley (Kat Dennings), a web designer whose life is turned upside-down when her long-term boyfriend dumps her. Over five years, Jules neglected existing best friends and judged any who wanted to hang out together – after this devastating blowup, however, Jules becomes determined to rebuild female friendships after an epiphany after she experiences post-breakup clarity and decides that all will change for good in regards to new friendships refashionings!
Dollface was developed by Jordan Weiss and features Margot Robbie as its executive producer; yet its promise of female solidarity falls flat; instead it indulges in numerous stereotypes that tread into regressive or even sexist territory.
Start-to-finish, the show treats its main character like a mysterious figure who communicates her inner workings through fantasy sequences. Meanwhile, her friends – Madison (Brenda Song), Stella (Shay Mitchell), and Izzy (Esther Povitsky) — are defined by stereotypical depictions. Their conversations often center around how women should behave in all areas of their lives.
Dollface does have some smart ideas, particularly when it pokes fun at millennial pink Instagram aesthetic or pokes fun at brunch as a religious ritual. Unfortunately, these moments of brilliance are few and far between; most often the series simply offers up its usual set of female woes without taking full advantage of its potential comedy value. As a result, Dollface’s comedy remains superficial and stale — an opportunity lost.