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No registration required
Japanese sex culture is one of the world’s largest, yet its dangers cannot be understated – in fact, many governments around the globe consider pornographic film production an offense against human dignity.
Japan’s sex industry is one of its major sources of revenue and provides employment to a vast number of workers, but those unfamiliar with its specificities should take caution when entering.
To avoid becoming a victim, it is wise to familiarise yourself with the laws and regulations governing your industry. Furthermore, make sure your chosen company is well established within Japan with access to necessary financial resources for supporting their operations.
Hire the services of a certified immigration specialist to ensure your application fulfills all the criteria, as well as to avoid legal complications during this process. Time and money may be invested, making it essential to understand all steps required of you during this journey.
Establishing a company in Japan offers multiple avenues. Options may include setting up an incorporated company (Co., LTD), godou-gaisha or limited liability company (LLC), Japan branch of foreign company or representative/liaison office – with requirements and rules depending on the nature of business activity undertaken.
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As part of their tax calculations, it’s also essential that employers understand the implications of working in the sex industry. Aside from any taxes you owe on your salary, employers also owe taxes directly to the government.
Each year by 15 March (unless eligible to file an extension). Before filing your tax return it is important that you understand all the relevant rules related to your occupation and file any necessary paperwork by this deadline.
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